OpenContrail an open-source SDN technology for OpenStack Clouds

Tendremos la visita de Edgar Magaña, especialista en Cloud Computing, Network Virtualization, Software-defined Networking (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), OpenFlow and OpenStack. Ademas de ser miembro del comite autor de la Networking Guide OpenStack.

Networking is one of the most challenging aspects to running OpenStack. There exists a lot of SDN vendor plugins and it is very difficult for customer to recognise what is and is not slideware. After investing a lot of time working and testing different Neutron vendor solutions. We have come to several insights into CPU penalties, Network design issues at scale as well as performance comparisons using different encapsulation techniques.

This presentation will cover architectural and performance characteristics of what a Overlay network is compared to a straight VLAN based environment on a cluster size of 100+ nodes.We will also cover best practices and experience obtained by running a full routable L3 network in a production environment with a high number of security policies enforced at port level.

Speakers: @emaganap